Why cleaning the intestines? How? What are we talking about ?
Intestinal cleansing
Before addressing the liver cleansing, my vision of the intestines was clear:
1) The intestines were just an outlet pipe. I wondered also why we had two different intestines and why they were so long: 8 meters in all, but for me a piece of 50cm connecting the stomach to the anus would have been sufficient, unnecessary loss of space ...
2) Irrigation and colon hydrotherapy were a suspicious practice, a sign of decadence or perversity of its users.
Retrospectively, I still am a little ashamed of my (ex) ignorance, but if I can help some of you to feel less alone ...
The intestine is the focus of our immunity and it absorbs our nutrients, its role is therefore essential to our wellbeing. Looking back at these last two years, after experimenting with liver cleansing, I can also note that some of the results are related to the intestinal cleansing. Because contrary to what I imagined, the intestine (small bowel and colon), is not a simple and unruffled discharge pipe, but a highly complex and sophisticated assimilation mechanism, which can be clogged by glued materials (see Note below), which:
- Decreases its absorptive capacity.
- Becomes a source of proliferation of bacteria.
- Disrupts the transit by slowing the progression of food.
This has the consequence that our intestines may also become a source of poisoning for the body.
NB: In the series "gut glues", do not forget gluten, present in all our bread, except for example Sarasin bread which are not readily available.
For more information about gluten see https://www.intolerancegluten.com/intolerance_au_gluten.html
To understand the challenges of bowel cleansing
And mainly of the colon, I recommend reading the article by the KOUSMINE association https://www.kousmine.fr/lhygiene-intestinale-3eme-pilier-de-la-methode/ which begins:
The history of intestinal cleansing dates back to ancient times. It's a simple technique, neither barbaric nor outdated, which is a gesture of hygiene, indispensable to the maintenance of good health. It is therefore advisable for any healthy person to adopt it in their lifestyle and for disease prevention. But it is also a very effective technique to help people with chronic degenerative diseases to stabilize their disease, in addition to the rest of the treatment.
Monsters gallery :
The colon does not only host faeces in exit. Below are a few photos that I took at different times after an enema done at home. Parasites at the end of their natural life? Fragments of a "moult" inside of the colon? Leftover food? I do not know, but it's a good thing they're exiting the body...
(Click to enlarge)
Mechanical concepts :
Be aware that the small intestine is connected to the colon by a valve, the ileocecal valve. The function of this valve is to prevent re-entry from the colon into the small intestine. This implies that when cleaning the colon by penetrating any liquid from the anus (hydrotherapy in an institute or enema at home), it only concerns the colon and not the small intestine, which is protected by this valve. We can claim to cleanse the small intestine only orally. This clarification on sealing the colon/small intestine may reassure those who fear losing their valuable intestinal microflora during an enema: Certainly some of the bacteria in the colon can end up in the sewer, but on one hand those of the small intestine will quickly recolonize vacant space (it will take a few hours) and on the other hand, having seen the constitution of the colon, it is fortunately impossible to rid it of bacteria with a simple enema. I would be much more fearful of the antibiotics...
We have two possibilities in order to clean our intestines :
1) The oral route which interests the full path: small intestine + colon
2) The rectal route which only affects the colon
But given the fouling that would affect the colon, the oral treatment, unless extremely powerful like what is used prior to colonoscopy, won't not be enough. We must therefore act both ways, oral and rectal administration, to clean both intestines, which will give us more options.
The options :
Still going by the testimonial of my own experience, I will speak only of methods I have experienced first hand and of which I know the effects. In the same way as for liver cleansing, I think we have interest in adopting techniques in which we are as autonomous as possible.
1) Oral method:
- Cleansing by laxative. See page
- Cleasning by fibres. See page
2) Rectal method:
- Hydrotherapy in institute See page
- Enemas at home See page