Difficult digestion? We must treat the cause. See the testimonials
Thank you to all those who sent me their testimonials, we need them.
If this website helped you, please think that it will help many others. The more testimonials I publish, the higher the standard of service I am providing to those interested in this topic. I am also interested in any documented information such as analysis, ultrasounds... The publication of these on iraisemyhealth.info will of course be anonymous.
To bring Your testimonial to understand these results
Testimonials received:
Names have been changed, to guarantee anonymity of authors.
Aileen, 42 ans, USA, December 7, 2022:
In 2017 I started to experience a lot of pain under my right rib cage and a lot of digestive problems. I was so tired and fatigued as well. I was losing my hair in alarming amounts daily. I had Reynaud’s, poor circulation, tended to be cold a lot, and many other related issues. I could tell my adrenals were suffering and probably most definitely my thyroid as well. I had blood pressure that was too low and would often wake up and feel dizzy if I got out of bed too quickly. I was experiencing a lot of stress in life, not only in marriage but also in finances and raising the kids. One evening at dinner...
Harmony, 44 years, USA, December 31, 2021:
First, thank you, Denis, for blogging your experience with liver cleansing and enemas. I have come to the same conclusion this year, 2021. I have two female family members who both received gall bladder removal — my mother in her 40’s and my sister at age 17. I did not want that outcome. I am a healthy eater, an exercise enthusiast, and 44-years-old and I successfully completed two liver cleanses, but I also consumed L-Ornithine capsules at bedtime, so I slept well both times. I passed approximately 300 stones all-together. Two days ago I successfully completed my first water enema followed by a coffee enema. And I’m about to start doing the liver cleanses again. I have also completed eight weeks of parasite cleanses, as well as papaya seeds and honey, and pumpkin seeds, garlic, and ginger. I passed three worms…round worms, I think. My skin is clear. My parasite-related abdominal gas has subsided. I can physically feel that I need to conduct subsequent liver cleanses.
Abby, 47, United States, march 6, 2016 :
I have done 8 of these flushes, using a protocol that is very similar to yours. I use a mixture of 1 tsp L-malic acid, 1 tsp apple pectin, stevia, and 1 qt water each day for 5-7 days as a preparation. I do this because the sugar in the apple cider affects my Candida problem. I have never done the extra epsom salt several days before and after the flush. But I do on the night of and morning after. And I only restrict my dietary fat on the day of the flush. And I definitely notice that it is much more productive on a new moon. These flushes have improved my health greatly. I no longer need to use ox bile supplements. I no longer need thyroid meds. My digestion has improved. My skin is improving. I have more energy. With each flush I feel better. I have never had any nausea, vomiting, or difficulty sleeping during the flush. Thank you so much for sharing this info. with the world. Good Luck and Good Health
Myrtille, 46, Belgium, February 23rd 2016:
Hello. My first liver cleanse was successful and many symptoms disappeared: hair loss, tendinitis, headache, mood swings, poor quality of sleep, digestion... In short it's amazing. I was reassured by a friend who told me that it was painless, unlike gallbladder attacks which I had experienced. After the treatment I had another bladder ultrasound and it had partially emptied, to the great surprise of the doctor who compared it with the results prior to the treatment. I will do my second. Best wishes
Benoit, 48, 21st June 2015:
I endured five years of suffering, during which time my osteopath treated various problems to do with my bladder and intestines. In relation to my intestines, I stopped gluten intake and the problem resolved itself in three days. For the bladder I discovered the liver cleanse and tried it. The results were positive the first time round and after the third my back pain finally died down (right centre side). I can eat like before without any digestive problems, which I’d suffered for years.
Victory, 46, June 6th, 2015:
Before my first cleanse, I could not swallow anything, just the thought of sitting down at the table sickened me, followed by a need to vomit. I felt nausea all day long and pain in the right shoulder blade. I had several attacks which self-soothed after an hour in which I was in acute pain. Since the cleanse, I found my hunger again, no nausea and the pain has gone. Sincerely, Victory
Michele, 36, France, April 20th, 2015:
I did my first cleanse last Tuesday. Since then I have no pain in my back and the feeling of fullness after meals has long gone! And the following morning! What a change! There really is a BEFORE and after CLEANSING! I start in one month. This is the answer, after sessions with a visceral osteopath who managed to relieve my symptoms only for a few days! Thank you Denis for your very clear website and videos.
Martin, 55, France, March 28th, 2015:
Martin December 14th, 2014:
Hello. In September this year I suffered problems to do with difficult digestion/assimilation: "liver" pain, completely white stools, severe fatigue during digestion. The doctor checked for gallstones and began explaining one thing or two to me about gallbladder removal. I came across your site around the time I was in between my consultation and check-ups/ultrasounds. The results showed the absence of gallstones but the presence of a fatty liver (steatosis) and a bit of cholesterol. I'm on my third cleanse. The first was surprising: an incredible amount of stuff came out during evacuations, identical to your photos plus some sort of 2/3cm pelota of fiber. Evacuations related to the other two are decreasing. I feel there are still a few cleanses ahead of me but it has become a form of internal body hygiene treatment for me.
The results are numerous. Disappearance of discomfort in the back, loss of heaviness in the abdomen, and I have gotten back my will to live along with a lot of energy, normal stools, desire and pleasure to eat “healthy” things (no fat, sugar, etc ...).
Thank you to the author of this site.
Martin March 28th, 2015:
Hello Denis. I have not yet had my liver "remeasured". There is no real medical reason to do so because I do not have any symptoms suggesting there is a problem. Back pain has not returned, my relationship to food has changed with a kind of distaste for junk food, alcohol and fats/sugars. when I'm feeling in good shape and no urge for them when I’m feeling tired. Again thank you for the prospects you’ve awakened me through your site.
Anna, 36 years, Canada, January 6, 2015:
I just did my first liver flush between the full moon and new moon as recommended. I have released a lot of green peas 100's. I experienced black stones, fat stools and saw a few white small stones, as well as foam, a lot of "foam". I am 5'2" 140lbs overweight and I have seen my gallstones on an ultrasound. During the cleanse I lost 5 lbs! Regretfully, I gained the 5 lbs again. I am no longer tired and find myself sleeping much less. I still have right knee pain and didn't see any results in my skin. My eyes were clearer though. My bloating, especially after meals disappeared. The only con was the Epsom salt was awful (I used a straw) and my butt hurt from sitting on the toilet for so long. I recommend you try it and do not forget to do an enema or colonic before and after the cleanse. Additionally I will continue to do more and keep you posted; I will also do another ultrasound to see if I still have gallstones.
Nora, 39, France, 13th December 2014:
Hello. Since August 2014 I’ve carried out five liver treatments. For years I had eczema on my neck. I don’t have it anymore. I had digestive problems which have now eased. I do not feel tired anymore. Also, I have not suffered from, or if anything just a little, from ragweed allergy (fever, conjunctivitis, tingling in the palate, drowsiness) whereas for fifteen years I suffered so much it put me in a state of fatigue from mid-August until September. This is a fantastic cure and I have encouraged many people to carry it out. Denis, thank you for everything.
Arthur, 48, France, 31st October 2014:
Arthur 3rd September 2014:
Hello. It is now almost a year that I’ve endured liver pain on the right side, accompanied by a very unpleasant spot behind the shoulder blade on the same side. A few visits to the osteopath, to the doctor and some ultrasounds and other scans later, my condition still wasn’t improving, much to the contrary, I was being told about bladder removal. Even though the scans were not revealing anything specific! I decided to try a liver cleanse, feeling confident after seeing your website which is so informative and reading all the testimonials.
Arthur October 31st, 2014:
Results of the first trial: The pain on my right side is still there (and for good reason since a specialist diagnosed a dislocated rib), but the painful spot in the back has disappeared but MOREOVER, what great form I’m in!!! Quiet and restful sleep (previously I awoke already very tired), more energy after meals, better digestion and great form on my bike that encourages colleagues to request an ATV doping test.
I intend to start regularly, every time I’ll feel the need. It is true that the process is not very pleasant, but it's cost effective in return for the wellbeing I have found. To all those who are still hesitating I say: go for it, there are no risks, only benefits.
Past 45/50 years of age, we forget what it’s like to feel 20 again.
Love to all and again thank you to the author.
Sophie, 56, France, 21st October 2014:
Hello, I did my first liver cleanse at the beginning of September. Super, I found the feeling of hunger that I had lost, a deep and restful sleep, better digestion and great concentration. My eye allergy has reduced considerably. I’ve just done the second cleanse. I feel light, positive and have lots of energy. My tongue is rosy. Thank you very much for all your information
Alex, 27, France, 15th October 2014:
Hello, I started my first liver cleanse on September 27th. Some gallstones were released on the morning of the 28th, but they were not very big (far from what we can see from the pictures in Andreas Moritz’s book or on this website). So I was a little disappointed, but that afternoon, I felt a sense of well-being and a more positive attitude. I, who was always giving the impression of dragging a 15 ton ball, it was almost like I got rid of it and my problems were far less cumbersome! I finished off the treatment with hydrotherapy sessions as recommended in the book, for me colon cleansing is very important and also offers a sense of wellbeing! Moreover, it is essential to remove balls that can obstruct the colon. Another important thing, I still expelled balls of fat ten days after liver cleansing using magnesium sulfate. I will do a second cleanse on 25th October. To conclude, I would say that cleansing was beneficial to me, I digest better, am less tired and have more peaceful nights... In short, all positive, except that I was very ill after my cleanse (sinusitis and rhinitis).
Sylvie, 45 years, France, August 22, 2014:
Prone to colitis and intestinal problems since my childhood, it got worse with time. Bloating, dark circles, osteoarthritis, putrid gas, indigestion, chronic fatigue, frequent headaches, bad breath, anxiety, buttons, endometriosis, menstrual pain, frequent nausea after meals, or alternating diarrhoea and constipation, poor sleep, loss of hair, age spots on the hands, ... and I had to forget some of them. The breakthrough came when my weight suddenly increased. Neither fasting, nor regime, has managed to lower it. So I did blood analysis showing high levels of oestrogen and bad fats. After reading articles, including this website, I imagined a connection between my problems and congested liver. First cleanse: July 25. Experience with the magnesium chloride or nigari. No evictions until morning. Quiet night. In the morning, almost uninterrupted stream of brown materials, mud, rare green and yellow balls. I feel tired for 3 days. 2nd cleanse two weeks after, August 3. Experience with magnesium sulfate this time. As the last time, I had a good night and it all came out during the next 2 days. Eviction episodes of fat balls of different sizes (0,1 to 1 cm) and predominantly yellow or pale green. Strangely, no sand and no mud. Then in the afternoon, new expulsion of 4 or 5 large green balls of fat from 1,6 to 2 cm. After cleaning the colon, the following days, some still came out. 3rd cleanse August 23, yesterday. Following an enema, and after my 2nd glass of sulfate, a large mass of mucus, small yellow balls of fat, green ones, brown ones, and some "twigs" are expelled in one go. Then, in the night, belly gurgles that continued all morning, and this morning I've dismissed as a brown liquid, mixed with mucus and tiny "stones". No big ones on the horizon. I had headaches for 2 days. I made, between the two cleanings, a cure of walnut tincture, and I rejected in the last week a white worm, size 4, 5 cm. A next liver cleaning is scheduled in about three weeks.
Results: I no longer have the feeling of a "buoy" around the belly and hips. I lost a little weight during the first cleanse, dark circles and spots on the skin attenuated, nails more pinkish, more intestinal comfort, much less gas, less belly, softer skin especially on the arms, less fatigue, less attraction to sugar, increased desire to purify. The cons, unpleasant symptoms appear, such as canker sores, pimples on the face, more halitosis than before. I think it's normal, waiting for everything to get back to normal and the body is as good as new.
Ryanna, 32 years, France, August 6, 2014:
I just did my first liver flush. I have not released a lot of green peas, 20-30 maybe, but a lot of "foam". I have osteoarthritis, and pains since a long time, I lack muscle flexibility and I was very tired in recent months. Much bloating, especially after meals, where I always need a coffee (unhealthy) as a boost. And even with a coffee, after lunch was horrible! Also a lot of stress ... Magnesium sulfate is hard to swallow ... but it's worth the effort.
Muscles, I found a bit of flexibility. But regarding my digestive system: Wow! No longer swollen belly and quicker digestion. I will continue, as Dr. Moritz stated in his book. Indeed, the first cleanse can be without visible harvest. The cons, I've anal pain when going to the toilet, and it's very unpleasant, but I do not feel anything when the fatty balls go. I recommend you try, and do not forget to do an enema before and after cleanse!
To continue the testimonial to this day: Weight loss and reduction of swelling throughout the body and no more cellulite! Really! I do not know why, but in any case I was surprised. I took the opportunity to remove gluten from my diet ... even if it is constraining. Good cures to all.
Catherine, 37 years, April 13 2014:
Hi, I wanted to share my testimonial. I did my first liver cleanse there one week ago. I noticed:
- An energy boost
- Less feeling of heaviness in the liver
- Better digestion
My advice to all those who hesitate: do it, everything goes well! Catherine
Virginia, 42 years, April 7 2014:
Hello Denis, I did my 11th liver cleanse, and I feel improvements each time.
Here are the benefits I have:
- Legs that swell late in the day: finished
- Tingling in the feet when I wake up: I cannot get rid of
- Stomach cramps: forgotten
- Digestion: fast and light
- Sunken and blue circles under eyes: reduced, cleanse after cleanse
- Chronic Fatigue: Newfound energy
- Dry skin (decreased by stopping dairy products): skin more supple, not more taut.
- Red nose: occasionally, only when I drink alcohol, or I eat too much fat
- Point to the right shoulder
- I am calmer and more positive
- Constipation: still concerns
- Watery eyes after a day working on the computer: forgotten
- Vaginal discharge: less and less
- Decreased sweating (I thought yet not be among of those that sweat excessively, but now I sweat a little).
I think I will continue the liver cleanses, but less often, because I now only remove small fat balls, and I have trouble swallowing the oil mixture. Thank you all for your testimonials, very motivating and thank you Denis for your site. Virginia
Adrien, 28 years, April 3 2014:
That's almost two weeks that I did my liver cleanse. Feedback on this experience, I can say that I really have great form, I feel stronger and less tired at night, despite my very physical job, they can’t stop me! About my digestion, there was food that I had troubles to digest, and since the liver cleanse it’s OK. Many thanks. Adrien
Annabelle, 40 years, January 20 2014:
I wanted to bring my testimonial, because other testimonials helped me answer my own questions... I did my first cleanse, on December 12, for the following reasons:
- Problem with halitosis (bad breath)
- Digestion: heaviness after meals, big fatigue blow throughout the day, yawn crisis, bloating, gas, etc...
- Headaches every morning upon waking and it was very hard to get up and emerge.
- I could not stay awake past 9 pm, thus I had no real evenings.
- Chronic fatigue and lack of energy, throughout the day.
After my first two cleanses, I can note:
- Far fewer halitosis problems, they have almost disappeared...
- Farewell daily head pain, I have energy once I wake up, no more problems getting out of bed...
- Better digestion, no more discomfort after meals: inflamed stomach, gas, reflux, fatigue leading to bedtime.
- Better complexion, better hair and especially more vitality and energy during the day, super nice thing when you had a constant fatigue over several years!
I highly recommend this cleanse to all those who want to improve their vitality... I do not want to stop and I will do a third liver cleanse in a month and others after, until complete disappearance of my woes. I'll let you know the result of my findings... Bye!
Nohlan, 38 years, December 26 2013:
MIRACULOUS! After biopsies of the stomach, tons of drugs, I decided to make this cure. From the first one I felt better. I did 6 liver cleanse, and I'm back to normal. Christmas meals without any discomfort. Heartburns, gas, extra systoles, difficulty breathing, diarrhoea.... are for the moment forgotten. We will see in the future, but right now I recommend it to everyone. Thank you thank you thank you
Corine, 35years, December 9 2013:
Corine, September 2nd 2013:
Hello, In May 2013, due to health problems clearly related to digestive functions, in parallel with the conventional medical system, I undertook a series of liver cleanses, that I discovered in my research on the internet. I ordered A. Moritz’s book, in order to master liver cleansing and I was immediately convinced by his argument. I have since done six liver cleanses and I do not intend to stop me there. I had evacuated hundreds (thousands if we include the tiny < 1 - 2mm and some "mud ") of fat balls, from yellow to green. The biggest were between 1 and 1.5 cm in diameter. Health concerns, for which I undertook these cures, are unfortunately still present, so I persevere. But I realized, at the end of my vacation, there is a week, that I did not have any allergy crisis that year (hay fever), while I am extremely sensitive to this since childhood and even 18 years of desensitization never managed to remotely improve my situation. I have not taken any antihistamine this season, even during my vacation, when I took the sun next to my husband who cut the grass of the house. I noticed other improvements, but I wait to have more perspective on cures before to share you my impressions, in order to be sure that my observations are not biased. I hope to write to you shortly, to tell you that I overcame my health concerns (that medicine is powerless to identify and treat), because I think they come from the hepato-biliary-pancreatic system... I wish good health to all.
Corine, December 9 2013:
Hello, I want to bring the rest of my "liver cleanse adventure". First, a clarification: my health concerns, that led me to a hell life for months and made me lose fifteen kilograms, are actually related to back problems. Nothing with my organs. However, a MRI of the liver, pancreas and biliary ducts, showed a huge liver, but apparently "since birth" according to doctors, probably due to a supernumerary lobe. Following these discoveries, I still continued my liver cleansing, because I felt I needed it: I could not stand alcohol, or too fat meal (especially when based on cheese) and even if my nauseas were caused by my back, I felt that my liver was tired, unable to explain why. I carried out my 9th cleanse the 11/29/2013 after a little over 2 months off (for planning reasons). For the first time, I had a tough night, but seeing the results, I have not had any regrets. 33 "stones", between 1 and 2 cm, very impressive, plus many smaller ones. The day after the cleaning, as always, my back pain has significantly worsened, but two days later, I felt, for the first time, a huge relief. I did not have pain for almost four days, which had not happened to me for years (and I terribly suffered the 8 previous months). Also, when traveling the following week, I ventured to drink alcohol in large quantities, for the first time in months. No nausea or discomfort during the 4 days of testing. I had already tested a cheese meal between the 8th and 9th cleanses and everything went well. I intend to continue the liver cleanses, I cross my fingers that my back pain will subside. I confess that I began to have trouble drinking the olive oil + grapefruit potion, but I am convinced of the effectiveness of this "treatment", then I persevere. I wish everybody good cleanses.
Line, 38 years, December 5 2013:
I feel good when my liver is cleansed: no more constipation, no more IBS ( irritable bowel syndrome), no more pain in my back, no more sinusitis, no more fatigue, a better complexion, better mood, a soft abdomen, and less tinnitus too! Well, all symptoms return quickly enough, after about 3 months, so I redo the cure, and it's going better, etc ... Have a good day, Line
Sylviane, 57 years, December 3 2013:
I just finished my fourth liver detox. I started in September, one liver cleanse per month. During each of my 4 cures, I did not have any problems for sleeping, except for the 3rd, when I woke up in the night because I had trouble digesting the olive oil. I went back to sleep after having done some deep breaths in my bed.
From the first liver cleanse, I felt less weight in the region of my liver and my stomach. I have ejected a lot of "sand". Some bile "stones" began to emerge during the second one. During the third liver detox, many green balls finally went out. This impressed me, and also I was very tired the following day, I think it is because it was the first significant release of fat balls. I just expelled much more fat for my fourth liver cleanse, without feeling any special fatigue after, as if my body was accustomed. I even expelled some fat balls before drinking magnesium sulfate. I'm getting healthier: improved digestion, loss of sensation of weight in the liver and stomach, better morale, improved sight, disappearance of spots on the skin, more tone, and a rebirth. I advise everyone around me to do it. Andreas Moritz’s book is of remarkable clarity and intelligence. By expelling these fat balls, I think we release more than toxic materials, but also all the negative emotions associated with old "stones". Good luck to everyone.
Gerard, 44 years, October 24 2013:
Hello, thank you for sharing your experience. I myself have done 4 liver cleanses and almost 10 months after I see changes every day and incredible improvements. The first most important thing to me is my allergy. After 4 cleanses, I'm no longer allergic and I stopped all treatment related to allergy. No more muscle pain, no more back pain, shoulders or neck pain. The skin is much softer and less dry. I do not have red eyes anymore or conjunctivitis. Very comfortable digestion, loss of acidity and gastric reflux. Improvement of the quality of my hair. I'm not as tired as before and I can handle stress better as well as lack of sun... Some advice: do not hesitate to do the liver cleanse.
Arnold, 32 years, September 14 2013:
Hello, I did a dozen liver cleanses in a year, mainly due to severe hepatic colic and pain under right shoulder blade, with the main goal being to prevent removal of the gallbladder, advised by the gastroenterologist. Gallstones were blocking my oesophagus, causing repeated hiccups. Today:
- No more hiccups,
- Faster and less heavy digestion,
- Less upset stomach (that I heal with Epsom salt when it happens)
- Back pain under the shoulder blade becomes intermittent, until sometimes disappear several days.
- Psoriasis that appeared on my chest every summer with the sun, did not appear this year,
- More positive energy that encouraged me to stop smoking one year ago.
- And finally I am much less attracted by harmful things as alcohol, sugar or the fatty foods.
Thank you again and good luck to everybody.
Clotilde, 52 years, August 28 2013:
Thanks to your site Denis, I threw myself into the liver cleanse in September 2012, and until July 2013, I have done 11 cleanses. From the first liver cleanse, I felt an incredible improvement in my digestion and from that cleanse, I have never had a heavy stomach after a meal, even after a hearty one. I gained energy, despite a busy lifestyle, filled with travels. New Year’s Eve dinner was a particularly good example: I was in shape until 3am, while usually I collapsed at 1am... My face skin had many "white spots" especially around the eyes, and black spots around the mouth: everything has disappeared. I am also seeing an improvement in my (many) food intolerances, but here the balance is still new, and I think I need more progress in liver cleansing. Right now I digest alcohol better (I can take a drink from time to time) and some fruits (banana and kiwi in particular). From the 1st to 9th cleanse, I removed hundreds of "stones" each time (from white to green...) overall size between 1mm to 1cm. At the 9th cleanse, I removed a large 2 cm "stone" and at the 10th and 11th cleanses, much less stones (50% less). Since I’m thinking of doing a cleanse every three months, because liver cleanses are quite challenging and having relieved my liver and gallbladder from thousands of balls is already a very good result. Thanks again for your site, it’s really very clear, very pragmatic and useful for us to embark on the first cleanse. Clotilde
Julia, 48 years, June 19 2013:
Good morning. Currently I am preparing my 4th cleanse. For about 25 years I’ve suffered a drug-induced hepatitis. I was regularly tired, and more and more as years go by. About 12 years ago I met an acupuncturist who I now see regularly. He diagnosed my liver problem. Whenever I was not doing well, he managed to get me back on my feet for a while, but it's tough! The last three years, I have regularly spent my time in bed. An average of one day per month and after it became 2 days. I do not eat much, always feeling nauseous, headache, I have a cold feeling in me, as if the blood had stopped in my body. I felt my body completely blocked, nothing worked, sometimes even my brain! I could not cope with this problem. I felt really bad, like I was dying. A few months ago, I discovered in a newspaper an article the liver cleanse by Dr. Clark. With my acupuncturist and homeopath, I decided to go on this adventure. I was a little worried because I did not know anyone who did. And the first was very impressive. Everything went well, I followed the protocol step by step. "Gallstones" were of a very dark green: the largest one was about 3 cm by 1 cm, and others smaller. The following day, I did a coffee enema. On the 3rd cleanse, the balls were a beautiful green.
Since then, everything is fine: No more nausea, headaches have disappeared, before I had a strange sensation in the liver, as if I had a stone in place of the liver, also cramps in the liver and now nothing! I also gained weight and most importantly I found all the energy I had lost, and a better digestion. Best regards Julia.
Celine, 58 years, June 17 2013:
3 months ago, I had a cold tip of the nose, even when it was hot and I digested with more and more difficulty and I had compulsive cravings to drink plenty of water. After two cleanses, the latest being this Saturday 14th June 2013, I passed 2 large (2 cm) green balls like beans, it was awesome! Also green peas and smaller yellow ones at 12h00 ... after I was able to sleep well relaxed and then I felt a new circulation throughout my body, warmth and well-being. The next morning I did a thyme enema (the smell made me feel good) and I again evacuated small balls and some kind of "filament". This Monday morning, surprise! The belt of my skirt hugs me a lot less, my hair is softer and more dense... and I have not finished my cup of tea... that really changed my life and my sugar cravings are gone, my compulsive cravings to drink water too. Immediate results: newfound energy, vitality... I digest better and I have no longer a cold nose, my elbow joints are also more flexible ... THANKS again, I really had a health improvement.
Nicolas, 31 years, June 2 2013:
Nicolas, April 24 2013:
Hello Denis. At 31, I already had an operation after an unbearable hiatus hernia (more than 2 cm, but with an unbearable gastric reflux that ulcerated my oesophagus). According to the doctor, it is the tobacco cessation that would lead me to eat more and thus place pressure on the stomach, yet I never eat more that I feel like. Would this cleansing fix things like before? Only God knows. My operations: creation of a gastric valve (toupee) at 270° to replace the oesophagus/stomach sphincter, all by laparoscopy (5 opening points). The surgeon noted that the left hepatic artery (one of the two arteries which supplies blood to the liver) is cut, but I do not have any more recommendations, I do not care. Since the operation, the gastric reflux has disappeared, but I always have back and cervical pains, so I consulted osteopaths. I even had a session with a great machine of modern times, a kind of small jackhammer which "cracks" gas bubbles between the vertebras. This machine has been placed all over my back but without positive effects, I still had this pain under the right shoulder blade and tensions in the back. Despite the operation (which affects the stomach and not the duodenum so no worries), I carry out a deworming and a kidney and colon cleanse (from Dr. Clark) and finally cleansed my liver a few days ago. Results: no pain (just a little nausea in the morning), "gallstones" expelled around 7am in the morning before drinking the last part of the Epsom salt, then gradually, after several passages to the toilet, I think that there are no less than a thousand balls of varying sizes that are out (with a total weight, when just flushed, of almost 19 grams including a big one of 2 cm) Summary: a feeling of lightness, my lungs breathe better, my neck and back are much less painful (so I do not even think about it), sensation of form even when I don't sleep a lot and especially no discomfort on the day of the flush. Looking forward to 2 weeks time! If I can give simple advice to people, do not read "everything and anything on the Internet" (laughs), go for it and cleanse your liver! Sincerely, Nicolas
Nicolas, June 2 2013:
I just finished my 4th cleanse. I weighed, on average, between 16 and 20 grams of fatty balls for the first 3 cleanses and then the fourth was more impressive than the others, because it weighed more than double the previous, so more than 40 grams. So the "short time" (2 weeks) between 2 cleanses does not seem to be an obstacle to the functioning of the liver flush.
As the days passed, pains reappeared in my back but much less intense and oddly more dispersed. The small daily crunches of some vertebras relieved me much more than before, and the back is generally much more flexible.
With digestion there is nothing more to say: no more stomach aches, no more foods that weigh on the stomach. The great news that I forgot to tell you, is that a few days after my first cleanse my food allergies have disappeared. My allergist had found I am allergic to kiwi, banana, avocado and melon. I tried gradually to see if my body reacted. Today, I eat about 3 kiwis a day, bananas, and avocados without problem, I have not tried melon but I think the problem is solved. Hulda Clark said it’s necessary to remove at least 2000 "gallstones" to see our food allergies disappear and as in my first cleanse that is about right (some were very small), hence I confirm that this thesis is valid, thank God.
Another big thank you for your work and this so well illustrated website that really reassures the novices.
Gaelle, 54 years, April 17 2013:
Gaelle, June 20 2012:
Hello, in February, my osteopath told me that my repeated lumbagos were due to a malfunction of the gallbladder. After meeting him, I passed dozens of cholesterol stones, without knowing what it was, but feeling a sense of well-being the following days! Two months later, following a period of great stress, I caught shingles on the head, which caused headaches, severe fatigue, itching, burns and bites, despite an antiviral that the doctor had prescribed me. In desperation, I consulted an acupuncturist who immediately detected a problem with the gallbladder and advised me to do a liver cleanse according to A. Moritz’s method. The first time, 12/05/2012, I passed an impressive amount of smelly mud containing sand and similar to greenish orange pulp, then dozens of stones, white and green in color. Overnight, I have not had a pump stroke after lunch and my digestion, bad for years, has improved significantly. 2nd cleanse took place on 27/05/2012. This time I had a lot of nausea and intestinal cramps, into the afternoon and the next day, but I evacuated a lot of stones and sand. No mud or "pulp" this time. I was so excited that I rushed to buy the Andreas Moritz’s book that I devoured as a novel. After reading many things on the internet, your site is great, I quickly felt the need to continue and last night (19/06/2012) I did my 3rd cleanse. Dozens of stones came out: green, grey, white and lots of sand. Less nausea and intestinal cramps today.
Sincerely, Gaelle
Gaelle, April 1 2013:
Hello, after the 5th liver cleanse in November 2012, my shingles completely disappeared. In two days I also spontaneously eliminated a cap channel from a salivary gland which appeared at the 6th liver cleanse (swelling and hardening of the jaw) diagnosed by the doctor. So I canceled my appointment with the ENT. Amazing!
Eric, 53 years, February 24, 2013:
Eric January 13, 2013:
Hello, for several years my health deteriorated: lack of sleep, joint pain, tachycardia, liver spots, very difficult digestion, lack of air, strong mood variation that tends to confine myself more and more, and the best is my last blood tests are so catastrophic that my doctor wants me to see a haematologist. I thought that my liver had a problem and a few weeks ago I bought a juicer to try to improve my health but I cannot even drink a single carrot juice without burping, so I won’t tell you the results when I tried to drink black radish juice ... So I searched the net for a solution. I have just done my first cleanse, the night passed as the others and I expelled approximately 100ml of small balls and sand, the 4 largest balls measured 4 to 5 mm long, floating on water. At approximately 10:45 p.m. I quickly felt an incredible effect: I didn’t have to force myself to breathe, what happiness! In the morning I felt somewhat weak and in the evening, after a meal at the restaurant, no problem digesting. All is not yet resolved, but this morning the carrot juice was swallowed almost without difficulties. I start a liver flush again next month and I will give you more news. Thank you for creating this website and I will write to you soon detailing a new physical resurrection. Eric
Eric February 24, 2013:
Hello Denis I did the second cleanse on February 10th. Firstly, what happened since early January? For 10 days nothing and then I felt my liver working and everything was out of whack health wise, impossibility digesting any sauce or fat, sleep flown away, pain everywhere and January 27th recurrence of sores in the mouth and when I say in, I mean the entire oral cavity, a horror. On February 10th, the evening before drinking oil I expelled four black round "stones". 3 of more than 1cm, and 1 about 6 mm. The next morning, after a good night, expulsion without any problem of an impressive amount of small balls like the first time along with sand and a large "stone" of about 1.5 cm and slightly elongated, formed by small clusters. No problem or fatigue the following day and since that time everything has gone well, I feel that my body is on the rebound. Sleep came back, now I sleep about 6-7 hours, that hadn’t happened to me for several years, no more tachycardia at all and I breathe with ease. I am losing weight without doing anything more than before. I repeated a basic blood analysis and the results showed that all is going in the right direction. I will try to make a full analysis by the end of March and will send you my results. On February 18th, I felt my liver working again but less than the first time and then… appearance of a canker sore in the mouth that has gone in three days and never came back. I will do another liver cleanse in March.
Patrice, 28 years, December 3 2012:
I did my second liver cleanse. I feel better since the first one, my migraines have reduced. My digestion is good and the upset stomach has disappeared. I breathe life and see more clearly. My sleep is good and the stomach heaviness has disappeared. Fatigue quickly eliminated during naps after lunch. Next cleanse after the New Year holidays. Thank you again for this website.
Charles, 64 years, November 14 2012:
Hello Denis. I did 3 liver cleanses, I have evacuated hundreds of "gallstones". I hope to evacuate three large stones in my gallbladder during my next cleanse! All is perfect. I lost 5 kg, without deprivation, I am no longer potbellied and no longer suffer from an upset stomach etc ... Thanks. Charles
Agnes, 63 years, August 18 2012 :
Hello Denis, when I started the liver cleanse (May 2011) I was electro-sensitive and for 4 years I lived in this electromagnetic smog, without knowing that all these frequencies, slowly but surely, destroyed me (Wi-Fi - Bluetooth - phones, etc. ...). I had a multitude of symptoms, that during my liver cleanses (I did twenty cleanings in 15 months!) have DISAPPEARED! And I am HAPPY today to have found sleep and a normal life without pain. Around me, I circulate your site.... which has a very good impact.
My electro - sensitivity symptoms:
- Headaches, with scalp tenderness
- Blurred vision, with decreased visual acuity, dry eyes, floaters
- Fatigue + + +
- Loss of sleep
- Weight gain + + (for me) for others it is the opposite (weight loss)
- Allergy problems with itching + + + (large plates underneath the breasts)
- Weakened gums, with abscess (even with good oral hygiene)
- Nocturnal tachycardia (heart begins to beat, beat, beat. At night, this is awesome!)
- Frequent urination at night (every 1,5 hours) it's tiring!
- Some muscles are hypertensive (my biceps)
- Back pain: back pain like sciatica pain that forced me to stay in bed most of the time
- Loss of hearing with tinnitus + + (ringing in the ears)
- Nocturnal sweating (body and scalp)
- Bad digestion with acid rebound
- Skin pigmentation (large brown spots on cheekbones, and forearms)
- Discoloured faeces
- Hair loss with their accelerated laundering
- Abdominal pains day and night, these pains have stopped IMMEDIATELY when removing GLUTEN -based foods (bread, pasta etc. ...) and dairy products
ALL these symptoms have disappeared with the cleanses and without medication, but with much FAITH and PERSEVERANCE in this natural, but so rewarding treatment!
Here’s for you Denis, I wanted to bring a complete testimonial because there are more than 5% of the population that is electro-sensitive or electro-hypersensitive and you can add all those who do not know they are, like me for 4 years!!
Another BIG THANKS to You! Warm greetings. Agnes
Nathalie, 50 years, August 6 2012:
Hello Denis. Thank you for providing us with your biological analysis. I myself recently conducted a review and I am followed particularly for cholesterol. After 3 liver cleanses, my LDL cholesterol decreased significantly and came back to a standard level. On the other hand, HDL (good) cholesterol had risen (doubled). My doctor thought I had a strict diet, I let him think that and I told him that I had gained 4 kg in weight but in fact it was thanks to liver cleansing, because I had not changed anything in my diet. Instead, I went in the United States (I’m French) and I ate all I wanted. I was apprehensive because my doctor told me to be careful because I had far exceeded the quota of cholesterol. In fact, I understood that the liver cleanses were really beneficial to me on the cholesterol level, because everything is back to normal. Also my bowel. Whenever I ate, my stomach swelled and I was like a woman at the 9th month of pregnancy. Today, my stomach is almost flat and deflated; I no longer have these spasms in the colon or pain. I did my 4th liver flush. I also do coffee enemas, which are very useful and I have very good results on my bowel and intestinal tract. As long as I have green balls, I will do liver flushes. Thank you for all the information that helps us so much. Nathalie.
Cathie, 47 years, 20 July 2012:
Tonight I tackle my 11th liver cleanse, according to Moritz’s method.
Observed improvements:
1 . Left knee: sharp pain when bent has almost disappeared
2 . Pain in left eye (due to ulcers) almost disappeared
3 . Better digestion (less loaded tongue)
4 . Disappearance of white hair. Reappeared a month later, I’ve yet to find the reason
5 . Less annoying menstruation
6 . Less greasy hair after the first liver cleanse.
Andre, 59 years, April 23 2012:
Hello Denis. Despite the removal of gluten, my digestion was still not good, almost mandatory nap after a simple meal. During September 2010 I decided to do a liver cleanse. On Saturday, April 28th, I am in my 11th cure. Unlike you, I have not counted the number of balls, but it's awesome (several thousand). I agree with you for the method. Results after 10 cleanses: a much better digestion, almost no more nap or max 30 mins if my night was too short. The energy that was low has now returned, especially the first few days after treatment and it is a joy. High morale and as soon as I notice the decrease in energy, I wait impatiently for the next cleanse. My last cleanse was 18 days ago and I'm still feeling fit. The typical pain in the liver, a precursor sign of the bile duct obstruction, only appeared this morning. Sunday we'll see what the harvest will bring. Finally, a big thank you for your site, very well done and very informative, it allowed me to clarify the process of this cleanse at once, so simple and so brilliant.
Best regards. André
Damien, 51 years, April 20 2012:
Hello everyone, after several years of suffering digestive problems, colic and diarrhoea, I discovered this miracle cure that was the only one to give me a solution and after careful thought on the subject, which is the most logical because the liver can be compared to the oil filter in a car, and we respect the kilometre when an oil and filter change is due. On Saturday 13th of April 14 I did my 13th liver cleanse. My liver ejected about 300 medium “fat peas” and 27 measuring about 2.5 to 3 cm in diameter, very dark brown color, it is the first time they are so big and dark, it must be old fat. I will continue and completely clean my liver. I highly recommend this method to anyone wishing to live in full health, not forgetting that we are what we eat, good luck to all.
Marc, 39 years, February 22 2012:
Hello I’ve done my 10th treatment two weeks ago. Many green peas are released each time except the first two. I try to do it every 3 to 4 weeks. In December 2012 after the 8th treatment I felt a great boost! My digestion has improved significantly and migraines have disappeared. This treatment is for me like a rebirth! The 9th was a little less worthy, but still with approx. 200 balls released. I threw up during 4 treatments out of 10, but I felt I had to continue. I know someone who did 18 cures and released a total of 1.5 kg of fatty balls! I am determined to continue, when I see my results. Cordially
Doriane, 44 years, February 12 2012:
Hello, I found this book in May 2011 and I immediately started the treatment. In January 2012, the 7th liver flush was carried out with much success (hundreds of green balls each time). Having no obvious health problems, I ask myself how far do I have to continue? Of course some benefits were felt: a significant improvement in digestion and an energy gain.
Bertrand, 35 years, November 30 2011:
Hello Denis,
Regarding the health benefits, this treatment (which is far from over for me since I expelled fewer peas than you, I 'm around 1500 I think but I did not count specifically) had the following effects:
1 / Progressive improvement of digestion (more regular transit, less bloating )
2 / End of back pain (a pain in the right scapula ceased to occur)
3 / Eyes that had turned grey regain their original blue and shine
4 / Improvement in strenght
I'll be 35 years old in 3 weeks and this cure helps me to continue because I am convinced of its interest: living without fat in the liver is important for improving the central organ of the immune system that liver is.
Best regards, Bertrand
Veronica, August 6 2011:
Hello, this is not a question I want to ask you, but rather a testimonial that I give you. I too did liver cleanses for about 5 years. I was less rigorous than you and I did not record all my cleanses or take pictures. Your site is very well done. At the time I started, nobody knew and there was almost nothing on the internet… today the information has passed from person to person and I am delighted. I suggest this cleanse to many people around me and I always have positive feedback. About me, I did a cure without any rejections for the 4th and 5th liver cleanses. Then I felt the need to do a liver flush regularly and I do this when the need arises, one to two times per year. I discovered this cure alone after a doctor’s diagnosis that did not suit me: you do not have gallstones, I order you "Spasfon" . The result of these liver cleanses: disappearance of my morning sickness, of my liver pains, of my migraines, my PMS, slow digestion and my recurrent cystitis. At the same time I also removed the pill that absolutely didn't help my health. When one or more of these symptoms returned, I knew that a new liver cleanse needed to be considered. I’m doing one tonight, the last I did was in October. Here’s my little experiment. I appreciate your site and your information, I did not have the patience and the courage to do the same but if you want to chat with me it will be with pleasure.
Regards, Veronica